How to change dart flights

Changing dart flights is an essential skill for any darts enthusiast looking to improve performance and accuracy. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you change dart flights effortlessly, ensuring your darts fly straight and true every time:

Here is a video showing you how to change a flight.

Step 1: Gather Your Essential Tools Before you begin the process to change dart flights, make sure you have the following tools and materials ready:

  • New dart flights
  • A set of darts
  • Dart flight protectors (optional)

Step 2: Remove the Old Flights Safely

  1. Hold the dart barrel securely in one hand to avoid damaging the shaft.
  2. With your other hand, grasp the old flight near its base.
  3. Gently twist and pull the flight away from the shaft to remove it, ensuring not to bend or damage the shaft.

Step 3: Attach the New Flights

  1. Hold the dart shaft with the threads exposed.
  2. Slide the new flight’s slot or slit onto the shaft, aligning it with the threads.
  3. Push the flight up the shaft until it sits snugly against the dart barrel.

Step 4: Secure the Flight for Stability (Optional) For added security during play and to prevent flights from popping out, use dart flight protectors:

  1. Slide the flight protector over the base of the flight.
  2. Push the protector towards the dart barrel until it’s securely in place.

Step 5: Test Your Darts After changing your dart flights, test your darts by throwing a few to check for stability and balance. Make any necessary adjustments to ensure optimal performance.

By following these steps, you can change dart flights with ease, helping you maintain the accuracy and performance of your darts. Happy darting!